You want to call me names now you fu(king Dickshit!

Stop trying to get free advertizement!
Stop trying to hype up your broke ass shit!
You ever disrespect me again and Ill b!tch slap your monkey ass!
Im glad you can live in the fu(king dilluted reality you built for yourself, but stop acting surprized that no one else agrees with you.

Telling people to bow down, and back off! How did you get the idea you are able to talk to people this way. You are repping a shop and attempting to get business, and now when your free advertizement turns against you, with people expressing their opinions you want it closed. You think that broken cars and stolen manifold designs are going to get you anywhere while you are telling people off. You ignorant fu(k!

I PMed you. I didnt intend on making my thoughts public, but damn if I am going to sit back and let some sorry sack like you call me names.

Go ahead and make your 7 post reply to this shit. Im done, Ill see you at the track where you have a chance to prove yourself against a REAL car.