Well i sold my emaxx and came up with a spare $200 so the guy at work i race with talked me into buying this buggy. Will probably be running stock buggy right now it has all losi elec. plus a spektrum servo. And a 13.5 motor debating whether i rip it out and put the ss in it to race tomarrow night or do i throw in the d3.5 to see what it does hmm... waiting for the new esc for the truck anyways Any one know where i should start for gearing on this thing i know nothing about buggies and altho it looks bad ass i'm sure i'll drive it horribly until i get the feel for it. Will also be needing a body and have a paint scheme idea for this one. Probably going to take my time and see what i can do. Here it is as it sits i believe it was a rtr version