Does any one have any experience with c4 vettes?
If so here is what I posted on the corvette forum, please help if you can or suggestions would be great.

hello all,
So my issue is a no start 92 lt1, started by changing the battery.
I have 50k on it, its a m6 and has never had an issue starting it before now.
so here is the story, battery was getting old and didn't like to hold a charge, changed battery started car, after a few seconds it stalled(normal after sitting for a while) go to restart it and I get 1 click as it is attempting to start but is being prevented. have seen this before, so i hammer on the starter a bit, no go. Thinking that the starter cog is somehow is not aligning with the flywheel, I throw it in 6th and move it a few feet. Still just a click. Take the starter out open it up, the 2 copper contacts are wore pretty good, cant find a rebuild kit so i get a new starter. put new starter in no crank and no click. It is definitely drawing a load when attempting to start but it doesn't spin.

So I check the forums, Vats is obviously the number one response but my security light doesn't illuminate when key is in, replaced the starter relay and have also jumped the clutch safety switch. No I am pulling my hair out as to why it is not turning over.

Remember when I had the last starter in, the solenoid would click, no security light for vats and fuel pump comes on and I have never had any issues starting EVER before.

I think I read somewhere about the knock sensor above the starter that could cause a prob, don't really know why but at this point I am confused

Any input?