Does anyone need a Sprint phone?

Or does anyone want to help me get rid of a pile of Sprint phones?

At work we recently switched to Verizon, and I have a pile of miscellaneous Sprint equipment left over.

10 - Sanyo 7000 phones (1/2 in good shape, the other 1/2 usable)
13 - Sanyo 7050 phones (1/2 in good shape, the other 1/2 usable)
3 - Treo 700wx (all in decent working condition)
4 - Treo 800w (all in decent working condition)
1 - Palm Pre (about 2 months of use, good condition)
? - Some other random crap in a box that works, most in good usable condition.
And a bunch of USB data gizmos.

I've checked out ebay for some average pricing, and may end up posting it all out there, but I figured I'd drop a post up here too in case someone is in need of a new phone but doesn't want to get slammed by Sprint for a new one.