Tasha came home from work today saying that one of the new interns there wouldn't shut up about how fast his 'new' car was. She asked what it was, and he said it was a stock '99 Civic Si, 5spd.
She says...."Oh, the one with the big shopping cart handle spoiler on it?"
He says yeah, and that it would WAX her Envoy.

Now I don't know where Tasha got this info from, but for some reason she was under the impression that her Envoy was supercharged, LOL. I don't know if I should take that as an opportunity TO supercharge it, or what?
She knew it was a 5.3L V8 with 300hp/330tq, so I'm proud of her for knowing that.... but she ended up telling this kid that there was no way that car of his would beat her Envoy. The Envoy is 100% stock, and will even have the Recaro baby seat in it.
I'd have to guess that it would be neck and neck. What do you folks think?
She knows to take the traction control off, and she knows to brake torque it and launch it.... and from there, its just pushing the pedal to the floor.
If anything, I'd say the Envoy would get a pretty good jump on the civic, with him running it down before the end of the race.

I'll see if I can set it up. If need be, I'll have Tommy throw a tune in it.

So... thoughts?