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    Were you ever told as a kid to not make faces or you'll get stuck?

    Well my kids were messing around in the car today and were making faces at each then whining about what the other one did to them. In an attempt to poke fun at them, I started to make a face then told them how when I was younger my parents would tell me that your face could get stuck when making an ugly or funny face.......

    Now, since my surgery I dont have any sensations or muscle control in my left side above the mouth and I was told to TRY to do certain exercises to help stimulate the muscles but for the most part so far no luck.

    Well as I was making funny faces I scrunched my face to make a funny angry face and my eye brow muscle LITERALLY cramped holding the upper part of my face in agonizing place for about a minute. After 7 months of TRYING to get my face muscles to work, this was NOT the way I wanted it to start

    As it hurt like hell and I was screaming obscenities begging my wife to massage the muscles to allow it to release........her and the kids were beside themselves choking from laughing hysterically like they had never laughed before! My adorable wife had fun mimicking my face a few times afterward. fukkingshit!
    Last edited by Holeshot; 05-21-2009 at 11:12 PM.

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