Quote Originally Posted by nitrous View Post
The interview with Kuric was 14+ months ago.

A-Rod isn't saying that he didn't know he was taking steroids. He stated that at the time, that he knew he was taking performance-enhancing supplements, but they were not banned by the league back then. He tested positive, and now because he is part of the one of the worst union organizations in the country, he got ratted out by some schmuk SI reporter.

I'm not defending Alex, just trying to clear the line. Sometimes people get so blinded that they make false statements. Especially on BCM.

Has anyone questioned the female SI reporter? She'll be in deep shit I would assume.

im not trying to make false statements or anything. thats just stuff ive been seeing on espn.

i agree what you are saying.

but thats the thing though. out of that 100+ people on that list. do all 100+ know that they failed? i just see this huge domino effect coming about.