About a year ago I had the intake gasket and the thermostat changed on my 98 Grand Am 3.1. After that the car always ran a little cooler and the heat didn't get as hot. I figured it was just the new thermostat was off. I drove home from work this morning and it was normal. I got home and then remembered I needed somethings from WalMart so I put my coat and shoes back on and headed there. Got a ways downtown and noticed that the dash lights were kinda dim. I thought maybe the battery was going dead but there wasn't any volt light on. I got to WalMart and the power steering was a little hard. I got out and popped the hood and there was coolant all over the belt and the belt must have been slipping causing it to not charge as well. There temp gauge never showed it was getting hot at all. I didn't have a flash light with me so I just closed the hood and was just going to check it when I got home. Got the crap I needed and started for home. The car was still at normal operating temp even a little lower because it sat for a little bit. I noticed right away the even though the car was warmed up the heat was blowing cold. Then the car started to get hot and gauge went up right away. I ended up having to pull over several times and shut it off so it didn't over heat. I got it home and there is coolant all over. Do you think this might be just the thermostat or water pump? Need to get it fixed asap as this is my only car right now and I am not taking the camaro out of the garage. I wouldn't even get it out of my parking lot anyway.