I think we need to put the screws to our gal Lena Taylor... I've already e-mailed her... suggest all of you do the same. It only takes a minute.

Badger State “Castle Doctrine” Bill Needs Your Help!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Please Contact the Senate Committee on Judiciary, Corrections, and Housing Today!

As we have reported, Wisconsin’s “Castle Doctrine” legislation (Assembly Bill 35) is currently stalled in the Senate Committee on Judiciary, Corrections, and Housing.

AB35 would permit law-abiding citizens to use force, including deadly force, against an attacker in their homes. It is clearly stated that there is no “duty to retreat” from an attacker, allowing law-abiding citizens to stand their ground to protect themselves and their family. AB35 also protects individuals from civil lawsuits by the attacker or the attacker’s family when force is used.

State Senator Lena Taylor (D-4), Chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Judiciary, Corrections, and Housing, is choosing politics over your right to self-defense and is refusing to have the bill heard before the committee. Please contact the members of the committee, especially Chairwoman Taylor, and respectfully urge that AB35 be given a fair up or down vote.

State Senator Lena Taylor (D-4), Chair
Phone: (608) 266-5810
Email: Sen.Taylor@legis.wisconsin.gov

State Senator Jim Sullivan (D-5), Vice-Chair
Phone: (608) 266-2512
Email: Sen.Sullivan@legis.wisconsin.gov

State Senator Kathleen Vinehout (D-31)
Phone: (608) 266-8546
Email: Sen.Vinehout@legis.wisconsin.gov

State Senator Mary Lazich (R-28)
Phone: (608) 266-5400
Email: Sen.Lazich@legis.wisconsin.gov

State Senator Glenn Grothman (R-20)
Phone: (608) 266-7513
Email: Sen.Grothman@legis.wisconsin.gov