$175 !!!!!!!!!!!!!

BCM price !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The snow blower is located in Oak Creek, if you are interested PM me with a Phone #

This unit may be older but I can promise you there are no more then 10 hours on this Beast !!!!!!

I know the history on it

Last year when I removed the head to clean up the possible carbon there was nothing at all, just a clean top of a piston ( installed new Head Gasket BTW )

The carb was rebuilt 3 years ago and fires up either on the 1st or 2nd pull

Cross hatchings are plain as day

This is not the actual picture but its the same thing, I will admit its not as clean to the eye but its a 6 or 7 out of a 10 IMO

If you want to throw the snow in your neighbors yard then this is the blower for you.

Another feature I like is when you turn the blower around its easy, it has a split diff and it moves so freely