Anyone ever catch a bowfin/dogfish? I've only seen one hear in WI, caught in the Dells. Seriously, a near toothless redneck kid showed it to me...I was actually surprised to see it in WI waters since I thought they were mostly an eastern/southern type fish

Bowfin wiki article

But then, I was hearing about "Snakeheads" which look similar to dogheads, and for some breeds, look like a primitive pike/musky. Some can get quite big, and the more tropical ones can reach 5+feet long.

The snakehead wiki article

They look pretty similar, and I didn't know if what I saw was an isolated snakehead sighting...these things are appearently becoming a nusiance out east, and possibly out west too. Likely would put a hurt on the bass and walleye population...catfish too.