Ok, let me start by telling you I think it's wrong but you had to be there to get a laugh.

My Uncle scott is a bruiser. He loves to box, he loves to get roudy and fight. Looking at the guy, you would never guess he can actually beat some ass but he can. The guy is 50 yrs old and is a thin little fuker.

anyways, about 3 months ago, me and him were listening to kiss fm when Van the man mcneal comes on the air. Scott looks at me and says "I hate this guy. I would love to beat his ass." I just laughed a little.

So this weekend, we are out at sharkeys in waukesha (my cousins bar) and who walks in? Yup, you guessed it.... Van the man. I look at him and say. "I dare you to go dump your drink over his head and tell him 94 WKTI is better" We both chuckel for a minute and get back to drinking. Not thinking anything else of it. About an hour later, we are all getting pretty sauced up. I'm standing at the bar and from across the bar, I see scott walk up behind him. I'm thinking "he better not". Before i know it, he is slowly pooring his drink on his head. Van turns around and scott just dumps the rest on him. Van charges scott and as he is being pushed to the gound, swings and lands one right on vans jaw. Security breaks it up real fast.

I left after that but I guess Van was buying him shots by the end of the night.

I guess you had to be there. But I laughed so hard. I know he was wrong but it was seriously one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time.