Tim... Its always welcome.

Dark, Erik... I agree with you guys. There was no need for this and it will ultimately be settled at the track and with being able to perform day after day in business.

I do not regret any of what has gone on though. CJ and I have a past. If he's smart he will leave it at that. If you look at my first post you will see that he PM'ed me. I was very clear with not wanting to talk to him. (in my first post as well I said it only gets worse.)

If CJ wants to leave it alone... I'm Done! If the BS keeps coming out about my 9'sec this, 10'sec that, or I hear anymore unwanted BS then its going to get really bad. This is tip of the ice burge.

So, From here on in I am only going to respond if I feel it is needed, BUT, I will not hold back any more!


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