I'm finally starting to get ready to talk about the game.

You can't point the finger at any one play, this was a perfect storm of about 5 shit plays across all 3 units and coaching that unfortunately resulted in the demise of the better team.

My top four, in order of most painful to least:

1. Julius Peppers telling Morgan Burnett to take a knee after the pick. That's the right call if you're way ahead and trying to kill clock, but man, that was an easy field goal if not six points on that play...that would have clinched the game.
2. Bostick forgetting his responsibilities and going for the ball instead of blocking on the onside kick. It wasn't so much that he missed the ball, it was that he missed the block.
3. Rodger's first interception, which he only threw because Michael Bennett was offside. No flag. http://sports.cbsimg.net/images/blog...8-15.final.png
4. Slamming the ball down the field on our first drive of the game only to give up and settle for 3 points on 4th and 1 from the 1.