Here's some recent product photos I've done at DRC. These are both new products we just added to our site.

I took this cargo box up north to Rhinelander with me the weekend before last. It came in handy too because I had to bring up three small bushes for my wife's grandmother. I'd didn't really want to put them in our new Murano.

And then here's the same thing on my Corolla. I had to bring it home with my Corolla so I figured I'd stop and snap some extra shots.

This is a new beach chair/ beach cart we got. Pretty interesting. It works though so it'll probably sell. That, believe it or not is NOT the ocean. It's Lake Michigan at Port Washington. I was really surprised at how blue the water was up there. Of course we had a bright blue sky to help but still. It's not that blue down at Bradford, that's for sure.