Well thanks to an invite from a friend, I am heading out shortly for Joliet to try out the full course (3.56 miles!) at Autobahn. Originally thought of Murray, but his misfortune with the Lotus canceled the idea of watching him out there, so I had to get my car ready.

Tore it a bit apart mid-July at Jim's place after having an injector issue. Put it back together a week or so ago and haven't experienced the same hiccups as before when I was down at Autobahn in May.

Big thanks to Todd for letting me run down and grab his GoPro yesterday so I could take some on-track video today. Although I noticed a couple videos still on it from RA that I think he left on it intentionally for some inspiration.

Thinking good thoughts the car continues to run well for me today and I can get some decent track time, since May's event was cut short due to car issues.

Anyways, I'm ready to go!