A few hours ago, I was on Ohio Street in downtown Chicago. I thought I would ride through town and look at the building site for the Chicago Spiral. I was sitting at a red light right in front of Uno's Pizzzaria. I had been there for 20 seconds with cars stopped all around me.

My bike suddenly jolted forward about a foot. I thought that I might have let off the clutch or something of that sort, but then I looked behind me and saw a few pieces of tail light on the ground. The driver was on his phone, but got off a few seconds later. About 50 people were on the sidewalk (eating uno's), watching to see what happened.

The driver of the car, named John, was cool about it. Right away, he pulled out his info and made a good effort to settle this. I told him that the damage was minor and all that it will need is a new tail light, which I could do myself in 10 minutes. He and I used our phones to try to find the cost of a new tail light, but only found a chromed version. We figured the chrome one cost about two Andrew Jacksons more so we settled at what seemed reasonable.


Does anyone here know where to find one of those flickering LED tail lights?