So on Monday, I decided to ride my bike out to the western end of HWY 60. For those of you who do not know, hwy 60 starts in Grafton and goes west all the way to the Mississippi.

It took me about 5 hours to get out there. I'd have to say that if I did not get detured twice, lose track of the road one time, not go 40 through the evening coulds of insects, and not take a 30 minute brake, it could have taken me about 3 hours.

What made this trip so cool is that I was not aware of the topography west of Lodi (west of madison). The road seems to stay the same for the majority of the distance from Grafton, with gentle rolling hills.

But once you get past Lodi, there are all of those big hills along the Wisconsin River! I did not know those were there!!!

The last time I went through western Wisconsin, I was about 13 and it was at night so I saw nothing.

Overall, awesome ride and I plan on doing it again. (with a windshield!)